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The Addition ~ 25
"Toby, hurry up! We're going to be late," CJ said as she put her coat on.
"I'm coming. I'm putting Maddie's shoes on." He said as he finished putting her left shoe on.
CJ waited by the door, pacing. She wasn't sure how her parents would react to Maddie. Sure, they said they were happy that their daughter finally reached her dream of having a child, but they were surprised when she said she adopted instead of having one naturally.
"Here we are," Toby said, walking to the door with Maddie in his arms. "You alright?" He saw the nervous look in CJ's face.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." She smiled weakly and the three went to the airport.
"CJ, you're doing it again," Toby commented when he saw her drumming her fingers on the armrest of the chair at the terminal.
"Oh...Sorry." She put her hands in her lap.
"Hey, it'll be fine," he said, putting a hand over hers.
She looked up at him. "Yeah, you're probably right," she said softly.
He smiled at her and looked up. "Oh, I see them."
CJ got up and spotted her parents and walked over to them. "Mom, dad, it's so nice to see you," she said, hugging them.
"It has been a long time, hasn't it," Lauren Cregg said as she hugged her daughter back.
CJ turned to her dad. "How are you feeling dad?"
"I'm feeling much better now that I am seeing you," James Cregg said as he smiled and hugged CJ.
"I'm glad," CJ said as she hugged him again.
"So where is this granddaughter of ours," Lauren asked.
"Right over here." She led them to where Toby and Maddie were sitting.
Toby stood when he saw her parents approach. "James, Lauren, it is good to see you again," he said as he shook their hands.
"Likewise," Lauren said.
"And this," CJ said, picking Maddie up, "Is Madeline, your granddaughter."
Lauren looked at Maddie and then at CJ. "Wow, she's so...big. I thought you adopted a baby."
"Mom, I told you over the phone that she wasn't a baby."
"Yes, but you never said she was so old."
"Oh stop it Lauren," James said. "I think she's precious." He smiled at CJ and then at Maddie. "How old is she?"
"She's two," CJ said, smiling softly. At least her father liked Maddie.
"May I hold her," he asked, holding out his arms.
"Of course." CJ kissed Maddie's cheek and carefully handed her over to her father.
He held her in his arms. "Hello there, young lady," he said with a smile. "I'm your grandpa. Can you say that?"
Maddie thought for a moment. "Gwandpa," she finally said, softly.
"Very good," he said with a chuckle. "And this grumpy old woman is your grandma."
"Oh stop it James," Lauren said with a cross face.
Toby looked at the building tension. "Um, Lauren, would you like to hold Maddie?"
"What I'd like to do is get our luggage and go to the hotel. I'm very tired from our trip," she said coldly.
"Gwandma?" Maddie said.
"Wow, she sure picks up words quickly," James said. "Yes, that's your grandma," he said to her. "CJ, she certainly talks just like you used to," he said chuckling.
"Gee, thanks dad," she said rolling her eyes.
"Okay, I think we've been in the airport long enough." Lauren said. "I would really like to just go to the hotel."
"Okay, okay, we'll take you to the hotel." CJ said as she took Maddie back from her father.
"Good then. Let's get our things." Lauren began walking in the direction of the baggage claim.
'Oh boy, here we go,' CJ thought to herself as she, Toby, and her parents got the luggage. 'This is going to be a long two weeks.'