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The Addition ~ 2
Once home, CJ took her coat off and threw it on a chair. She took the letter out of her purse and sat down. This was it. This letter would tell her everything. She closed her eyes and began to open the envelope all the way when the phone rang. "Damn." She picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Toby, what do you want?" She asked in a rather annoyed voice.
"I'm just wondering...are you feeling alright?"
She could hear the concern in his voice. Could she tell him? She didn't even know the answer. "Yeah, I'm fine, Toby. I am just stressed out from work."
"Yeah...okay." He was not at all convinced. Yet, he knew that she probably needed some time to think about whatever was bugging her. "I'm going to call you tomorrow, just to see if you're really okay."
"Thank you, daddy," she said sarcastically.
"Toby, I'm really fine. I just...I need to go to bed, and with you on the phone, well, it's awfully difficult to go to bed. Get my drift?"
"Yeah, yeah. Okay, go to bed, get some sleep. But I'm still calling you tomorrow."
"Fine, call me tomorrow. Can we hang up now?"
He sighed. "Yeah, go to bed."
"Thank you. And goodnight." She hung up the phone.
"What is going on with her," Toby asked himself aloud as he put his phone down. He shook it off. It was probably nothing that she couldn't handle.
She turned her attention back to the letter. It was half way opened. She was about to open it when she decided to unplug the phone so that no one could call her. She went through her apartment, unplugging the phones. Finally, she sat back down on the sofa and turned her attention to the letter. "Now or never," she said out loud. She took the letter out of the envelope and carefully read it. As she did, a small smile crept onto her face. This was the moment she had been waiting for. She took the letter and walked to her bedroom, placing the letter on the nightstand. She then changed into her pajamas and went to sleep, happy for a change.