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We're Gonna Make It ~ 4

CJ waited in her apartment for Toby to come pick her up for their first date. She felt so giddy, like a high school girl who had a crush on the football team's quarterback. She paced back and forth. What would she say when he came? What would he be wearing? Was she wearing the right clothes? She continued to think and pace.

Toby drove rather slow as he made his way to CJ's apartment. He didn't know what he was going to say to her. "Good evening CJ," he said aloud to himself. "Fine evening, isn't it?" No, that wasn't right. He had to think of something good. Something that would really catch her attention. "Wow, are ever to die for!" No way. That would be too much. "You're drop dead gorgeous." For some reason, that sounded like a movie he once saw. He looked out of the window and noticed the driver next to him giving him a very odd look. Toby stuck his tongue out at the guy and continued to drive. He finally arrived. He got out, walked up to CJ's floor, got to her door, and knocked.

"Hi Toby," she said when she opened it.

"Wow." Was all he could say. Mentally, he was kicking himself.

"Uh, okay."

"Well, what I meant to say was, you look terrific." He smiled.

"Thank you." She smiled as well. "You look nice too."

"Thanks. So, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse."


"You didn't lock your keys in your car, did you?"

"No, CJ I did not lock the keys in the car this time." He took them out of his pocket and showed her.


They walked down to his car. He opened the passenger side for her. "Your chariot awaits you."

"Toby, you're being so romantic," she said. She had never seen this side of him before.

"Yeah, well, there was a time when I was like this all of the time," he said as he closed her door and walked around to the other side of the car and got in.

"Andy?" She asked when he got in.

"Yeah." He looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a former--"

"It's all right, Toby, really."

He nodded and drove to the restaurant.

The restaurant......

"Toby, this is so isolated," CJ commented when the waiter took them to the very back corner of the restaurant.

"I've heard it's the quietest too," he said, gesturing to the other people in the restaurant. There were quite a few.

"Ah, I see." She smiled and sat down.

He sat down as well. "Yeah."

There was an odd silence between the two for a while. They made small talk about work and how Josh spilled coffee all over his suit and how the President made the staff listen to his inane trivia.

CJ finally broke the small talk, "Toby, thank you for taking me out. It was really sweet of you."

"You're welcome. I figured you wouldn't be doing anything on a Friday night anyway, so I thought I'd ask you out."

She kicked his leg. "Toby!"

"Ouch! What?"

"Why would you automatically assume I wouldn't be doing anything on a Friday night?"

"Because you never do anything on Fridays. You said so yourself last week when you were talking about what you were going to do over the weekend."

"Oh. right." She could feel herself blushing.

"Don't feel bad about it. I usually don't do anything either. Sometimes I'll rent a movie or something, and that'll be it."

She nodded, "I hear ya."

Dinner then came.

"This looks really good," she said as she put her napkin in her lap. She noticed Toby putting his in his shirt, like a little kid would do. "Toby, what are you doing," she said as she giggled.

"I don't want to get my shirt dirty."

"This is a nice restaurant, sheesh. Put the napkin in your lap."

"Yes mommy." He did so.

She kicked him in the leg again.

"Ouch! CJ, I am going to be the most bruised up person in the West Wing because of you."

"Then stop acting goofy."

He nodded and rolled his eyes.

She was tempted to kick him again, but didn't.

When the two were finished with dinner, Toby paid the bill and the two walked out of the restaurant. CJ started walking towards the car.

"CJ," he said.


"This way." He pointed in the direction of the Potomac.

"But the car is over here."

"I thought we could take a walk. Unless you don't like walking."

"No, I like walking." She smiled at him and joined him. They walked along the Potomac for a while until they came to a bench.

"Shall we," he asked.

"Sure." They sat down.

There was a long silence.

CJ finally broke it. "Toby, just out of curiosity, why did you ask me out tonight?"

"To be perfectly honest, the idea sort of came from Sam."


"He said that I have crush on you," he said, not looking at her, but rather at his hands.



"Sam said this?"

He nodded. "He said it was pretty obvious."

"Well since we're being honest here, Josh said almost the same thing to me."

"He did?"


He looked at her. "CJ?"

"Hmm?" She looked at him.

He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips.

She didn't pull away. Instead, she kissed back, just as gently.

They both then pulled away and smiled.


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